Fibromyalgia is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Despite its prevalence, it remains one of the most perplexing conditions in modern medicine.
Category: Education

How to Use Meditation to Reduce Stress and Enhance Well-being Meditation is a practice that has been utilized for thousands of years in various cultures

Why Only 10% of Your Content Consumption Should Be Entertainment Let’s talk about the content that you consume daily. You might not realize it, but

Referred to in Mythology is the Moirae (the allotters), or the Fates; Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, were the daughters of Zeus. As the three Sisters of Fate, Lachesis, Atropos,

As the saying goes, “Words are weapons.” The power of language cannot be underestimated, and those who wield it skillfully can achieve great things. One

Mindfulness vs. Meditation: What’s the Difference?
In recent years, the practices of mindfulness and meditation have become increasingly popular as ways to improve mental and emotional well-being. But what exactly are

Fibromyalgia is a pain disorder that lasts for a long time. It causes widespread pain in the muscles and joints, fatigue, and tender points in

Energy Fields
It is important to regularly declutter physical spaces as well as clear out old beliefs, energies, emotions, ideas, meanings, opinions, perceptions, schemes, thoughts, understandings and

We all know that positivity is important for our mental health and overall wellbeing. But how do we actually go about surrounding ourselves with positivity?

Cut Your Health Care Costs
According to a recent study, people who engage in choices about their health care have lower hospital expenses. It’s a good idea to look for

Psychobiotics Are the Future
For years, humans have attempted to treat mental illnesses with natural and manufactured medicines. Originally, these psychoactive compounds came from the Areca tree (betel nut),

COVID-19 has accelerated healthcare innovation, but tech adoption is still lagging behind several industries, according to an Aug. 9 Google Cloud report. Six notes: Nine

A friend expressed his disappointment at not having accomplished more in his life. The things he expected to have accomplished by now. I advised that

EDITORS NOTE: This is a quote from my upcoming book “Metaphor Man”

Do You Suffer From Depression? Consider Medications to Relieve Symptoms
Depression Is A Very Common Issue For many people, personal and professional issues, along with everything going on in the world, can really combine to

This article is intended to help “Non-Spoonies” understand the Spoon Theory For the millions of people in the world living with chronic illness, it can

Worried about fading brain power? If you’re older than 27, you have good reason. That’s the age when cognitive skills start to decline, according to

Executive dysfunction is a term for the range of cognitive, emotional and behavioural difficulties which often occur after injury to the frontal lobes of the brain. Impairment of executive functions is common after traumatic brain injury and/or chronic illness. It has a profound effect on many aspects of everyday life.

Several years ago I listened to a lecture on cognition that changed the way I think about intelligence. This is the crux. There are two

We all want to feel happy, and each one of us has different ways of getting there. Here are steps you can take to bring