Discover the keys to unlocking your potential and navigating life’s challenges like a champion. This article is not just a guide; it’s your secret weapon
Category: Concept

The Simple Path to Mindfulness
In our busy modern lives, it’s easy to go through each day engrossed in thoughts about the past or future, caught up in the narrative

The Power of Gratitude, Action, and Compassion
Unveiling the Path to Inner Strength and Fulfillment In a world where self-doubt and dissatisfaction seem to loom over our lives, it is crucial to

From People whose job it is to sabotage the efforts of others, we can take a lesson or two. In January 1944 the OSS (Office of

Here is my interpretation of what this means: Think Less: You procrastinate less and this eases the stress that hinders our positive view of life.

You CAN Train Your Body To Know When It’s Time To Sleep When you go to bed, and when you get up, is the cornerstone
It Sounds Like A Sci-Fi Movie Doctors Growing Body Parts To Cure Our Ills. It sounds like a sci-fi movie – doctors growing body parts
[error]EDITORS NOTE: This post is by my favorite Futurist Thomas Fry. This post provides an insight to the future of our world. Take plenty of time to read and
mor·al ˈmôrəl/ noun plural noun: morals 1. a lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from a story, a piece
Have you ever been so engaged in an activity that you lost track of time or even your surroundings? A bomb could have gone off

Taking the easy road is nice for a while, but for talented, motivated people it isn’t enough. To find satisfaction you’ll need to set ambitious
Want to know how to get your email answered? Need more impact in what you do? Want more time? WHAT EMAIL HAS BECOME Depending on
The True Art Of Assertiveness Step 1) Decide Where Your Boundaries Lie How far is too far? What are you willing and unwilling to take from
Enlightenment and awakening have been described in many ways, as have the various paths to them. Ultimately, though, it all boils down to one word:

A friend expressed his disappointment at not having accomplished more in his life. The things he expected to have accomplished by now. I advised that

People Are Reflections Of Each Other. We are all human in the sense that we can feel the same things. Our perception, however, differs from

EDITORS NOTE: This is a quote from my upcoming book “Metaphor Man”
There are certain mornings where I wake up feeling particularly enthusiastic and motivated to start my day because of the activities I get to partake
This animation was created by comedian Mike Polk as a comedy piece and commentary. I saw it and realized its potential to help kick-off a