It is important to regularly declutter physical spaces as well as clear out old beliefs, energies, emotions, ideas, meanings, opinions, perceptions, schemes, thoughts, understandings and views from our energetic field in order to maintain a healthy existence.
Clearing your chakras and aura can help to restore and strengthen your connection to yourself and inner wisdom. When negative energy, such as anguish, anxiety, despair, doubt, fear, panic, self-hatred, suspicion, terror, uneasiness, and worry is removed from your core, it allows your consciousness to expand freely.
Cleaning your energy fields can be thought of as a way to release stagnant energy and create a sense of lightness and clarity. Even though the effects may not be visible, you will likely feel the positive impact of the process on your mental and emotional state.
To begin, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Take deep breaths and allow your spirit to connect with the vastness of the universe.
Start by visualizing your first chakra, located near the tailbone, as an open valve, like a faucet. Imagine that all the stagnant energy inside you flows out through this valve, through a cable that extends deep into the earth. Release old energy, dormant thoughts, and anything else that no longer serves you.
Visualize the old energy being transformed into light and ask the universe to take it. Keep releasing the energy until you feel that all your energetic baggage has been shed. Close the valve in your mind’s eye. Then imagine a vivid terracotta light flowing up through the cord and into your first chakra. Repeat this process with each of the seven chakras on your body.
The second chakra is Orange, the third is Yellow, the fourth is Green, the fifth is Blue, the sixth is Indigo, and the seventh is Violet. Imagine a golden-white light streaming down from the cosmos to the crown chakra on the top of your head.
To cleanse your energy, take a bath with a combination of one cup apple cider vinegar, one cup Epsom salt, and one cup sea salt. Once finished, express gratitude to the universe for its help in getting rid of any remaining emotional clutter.