There is a great deal of evidence–some reliable, some not so reliable–that the mind is much more than merely the central processor for sensory information.
Tag: Future

EDITORS NOTE: This is a quote from my upcoming book “Metaphor Man”

10 All Natural Ways to Stop Feeling Depressed
Does this describe your life? Life is a drag. What’s the point of anything? I’ll never be happy. Do any of these gloomy thoughts sound familiar? It’s

The Power of Positive “Whether you believe you can or think you can’t, you’re right,” Henry Ford famously remarked. What exactly does this imply? It
Infinite-Capacity Wireless Vortex Beams Carry 2.5 Terabits Per Second American and Israeli researchers have used twisted vortex beams to transmit data at 2.5 terabits per

I have lived with major depression, PTSD, ADD, Fibromyalgia throughout my life. I’ve walked the dark streets when I had no home. The darkness of loneliness