Seeing it Half-Full
We’ve all heard the metaphorical story of two men staring at the same clear glass. The first man is seeing it half-full and the other seeing it half-empty.
Even though we’ve heard it before, it’s still important to pay attention to your thoughts. Only then can you see if you’re thinking and living in half-full or half-empty terms.
People will refer to themselves as belonging to one of two types (as if this is a permanent trait). We can all move into a half-full state of awareness. How? We must make the effort.
Seeing it Half-Empty
When you feel a deficiency. When you believe that the other half of what you desire is missing. This is your life with a half-empty mindset. You’re coming from a place of lacking and feelings of entitlement.
On the other hand, you will sense fullness when you see your life as half-full. It’s as if you realize that your cup could be completely empty, and you’re glad for what you perceive to be a blessing — not something we demand or feel we’re entitled to, but a gift, a blessing, from the Universe.When you count your abundant blessings with a half-full mindset. When you examine your life with a half-full mindset, then you will see all of the pieces of your life that are in place. Then you will be able to see all of the things you do have and what you still must gather.
This isn’t to say you don’t want more; it just means you want it from a place of plenty, rather than one of scarcity. This abundance invites additional abundance and brings great energy into our life.
Living a Life of Awareness
Try this exercise if you’d want to start shifting into and living a half-full life of awareness.
Begin by seeing your life as a clear glass that is empty.
This glass is your life without all of your friends, your acquaintances, your job, your home, or your current physical condition. This is simply an open, empty glass waiting to be filled.
Next, focus on how light everything seems. Your body feels good. You find a freedom of openness. Once you have that sensation of openness in your mind, begin filling it with all the people, with all the things, and with all the places that make up your life.