In the realm of relationships, it isn’t merely about commitment; it’s about strength.
A commitment isn’t a mere promise; it’s a declaration of fortitude, a bold assertion that one is robust enough to weather the storms of life. It’s not a mere ‘If I were to do this, “it’s a resounding ‘I am strong enough.’
Entering my life isn’t a trivial act—it’s an opportunity.
It’s not about whether you can be someone in my life; it’s about your capability to withstand the intensity of my existence. I’m not boasting; I’m acknowledging the truth. Being with me is an honor, a journey into the depths of a great person who loves intensely.
I won’t tolerate echoes of past mistreatment; I demand a resonance of respect and appreciation. In this journey, commitment isn’t a mere word; it’s a testament to the strength and honor you bring into the symphony of our lives.